Award winning partnership with the Isle of Wight

hsj award

Whilst the NHS Referral To Treatment (RTT) waiting times increased by 40%, the Isle of Wight (IOW) has reduced by 1%. In July 2020, the Trust commissioned Medefer to help deliver its virtual outpatient services as part of its COVID-19 recovery programme.

The COVID-19 Challenge

The Trust had identified over 3,000 patients waiting for an outpatient attendance across all clinical specialties and a forecasted GP referral activity of 27,000 patients per year.

The primary concern was managing the clinical risk of closing outpatient services during the pandemic, and ensuring patients requiring urgent intervention for non-COVID-19 related conditions were managed appropriately and timely. All whilst reducing the risk of infection.

Delivering The Trust’s Ambition

Together we:

The Isle of Wight partnership with Medefer was recognised as the winner of the ‘Best Elective Care Recovery Initiative’ in the 2022 HSJ Partnership Awards.

“Medefer’s virtual platform was safely implemented, is easy to navigate, and has ultimately led to faster access to patient care within our community” – Joe Smyth, Chief of Operations Isle of Wight NHS Trust