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NHS Partners
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Our specialist Consultants work online to help our NHS partners to reduce patient waiting times and create a more sustainable outpatient service

Using our software platform, GP referrals are reviewed and managed online by our team of UK-registered, specialist Consultants, so patients don’t have to wait for an in-person hospital appointment.

We support patients from their initial referral from their GP and review their situation to identify the need for further investigation, in order that they can be treated and discharged, often without the need for physical outpatient appointments.

We work closely with the NHS and Medefer is now included in the NHS England Increasing Capacity Framework.


Key Outcomes

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Medefer is now included in the NHS England Increasing Capacity Framework.

Under this framework, Medefer can contract with NHS Trusts and CCGs to reduce outpatient pressures and manage new referrals from GPs to support trusts.

NHS Framework
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