Medefer works in partnership with NHS Trusts, ICS and CCGs to deliver measurable healthcare benefits
Our virtual clinical workforce is available for deployment as needed, with flexible scale-up or scale-down options available in response to changing demand.
Reduction in unnecessary appointments frees workforce capacity for other priorities.
Additional resource has already been recruited, or is in process, to ensure that future demand is met.
Responsive workforce solutions to meet NHS Partner needs.
Variable cost savings – reduced cost of waiting- list clearance and investigations, reduced locum cost, redeployment of workforce and facilities.
Long-term cost savings – reduced diagnostic and facilities requirements and early treatment reduces overall cost of care.
Fixed and semi-fixed cost savings – reduced administration and staffing costs and redeployment opportunities, reduced Consultant capacity requirements.
Significant cost reduction.
Our experts can review and validate Patient Tracking Lists to identify priority patients.
New referrals are dealt with in a timely manner to reduce waiting times. Handling of new patient referrals is flexible, through primary care or hospital.
Follow-up and internal consultant-to-consultant referrals can also be included.
The following specialities are supported on the NHS England Increasing Capacity Framework where contracting is based on NHS Payment by Results tariff pricing – Medefer pricing is set below this level.
Local pricing models are also available – please contact us for more information.
The availability of specialities is expanding in response to individual NHS Partner needs.
General surgery
Breast surgery
Colorectal surgery
Hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery
Upper gastrointestinal surgery
Vascular surgery
Trauma and orthopaedics
Pain management
General medicine
Clinical haematology
Diabetic medicine
Respiratory medicine
Infectious diseases
Geriatric medicine